2019 MGSA Symposium Schedule and Receptions
as presented
Session 2ASession 2BSession 2CSession 2D Session 3ASession 3BSession 3CSession 3DLunch →Special Session 1Special Session 2Grad Student MixerSession 4ASession 4BSession 4CSession 4D★ Keynote
Session 5ASession 5BSession 5CSession 5DSession 6ASession 6BSession 6CSession 6DLunch →Special Session 3Special Session 4JMGS MeetSession 7ASession 7BSession 7C Session 7D Session 8ASession 8BSession 8C
Thursday, November 7, 2019
5:00-6:30 p.m. Session 1
Words in parentheses next to panel numbers are room names.
Panel 1A (Big Sur): Scholar-Practitioner Perspectives on Traditional Greek Music in the Long Twentieth Century
Moderator: Gerasimus Katsan ·Queens College, City University of New York
Phaedon Sinis ·Independent Scholar
Invisible Evidence: The Istanbul Lyra as a Musical Conduit to Other Worlds
Spyridon Antonopoulos ·King’s College London & Director, Psaltikon
The Politics of Identity in Contemporary Byzantine Music Performance
Panel 1B (Ventura): How Do We Integrate Greek History and the Holocaust?
Moderator: Evdoxios Doxiadis ·Simon Fraser University
Katerina Králova ·Charles University
New Sources and New Perspectives
Andrew Apostolou ·Independent Scholar
Rethinking the “Holocaust in Greece”
6:30-6:55 p.m. Break
Awards Presentation and Reception
Capitol View Room, Hyatt Regency
7:00 p.m. Welcome and Acknowledgment of Sponsorship:
Franklin Hess, MGSA President·Indiana University Bloomington
President Robert S. Nelsen of Sacramento State University
Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis of California
Thomas W. Gallant, Program Committee Chair· University of California, San Diego
Katerina Lagos, Local Arrangements Committee Chair·California State University, Sacramento
Vangelis Calotychos, MGSA Executive Director · Brown University
Edmund Keeley Book Prize to Dr. Konstantina Zanou for her book Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800-1850, Stammering the Nation, Oxford University Press, 2018, presented by Dimitris Antoniou, Chair
Elizabeth Constantinides Memorial Translation Prize to Brian Sneeden for his translation of Phoebe Giannisi’s 2016 collection of poetry Ραψωδία (Rhapsody) and honorable mention to Johanna Hanink for her translation of Konstantinos Poulis’ 2014 collection of short stories Ο θερμοστάτης (The Thermostat) presented by Nikos Panou, Chair
John O. Iatrides Best Dissertation Prize to Dr. Constanze Kolbe for "Crossing Regions, Nations, Empires. The Jews of Corfu and the Making of a Jewish Adriatic, 1850-1914". University of Washington, Post-Doc, presented by Evdoxios Doxiadis, Chair
Vasiliki Karagiannaki Prize for the Best Edited Volume in Modern Greek Studies to Dr. Tina Bucuvalas for her edited volume Greek Music in America (University Press of Mississippi), presented by Kostis Kourelis, Chair
Victor Papacosma Graduate Student Essay Prize to Christopher Leo Jotischky-Hull · Brown University for “The Crowning of the Lyre: Andréas Kálvos and the Appropriation of Pindaric Imagery in Nineteenth-Century Greek Diasporic Poetics,” presented by Despina Lalaki, Chair
8 – 10 p.m. Reception and Music Concert: Orestis Koletsos and band.
Wine and hors d’oeuvres
Friday, November 8, 2019
9:00-10:45 a.m. Session 2
Panel 2A (Carmel A): A Life Lived Backwards: Contemplating Autofiction and the Crisis of Identity
Moderator: Joanna Eleftheriou · Christopher Newport University
Lissi Athanasiou-Krikelis ·New York Institute of Technology
Women Writers as Fictional Characters in Amanda Michalopoulou’s Novels
Gerasimus Katsan ·Queens College, City University of New York
External Crisis and the Crisis of the Self in Recent Greek Fiction
Amanda Michalopoulou ·Author
The Maddening Restrictions of Fictionalized Autobiography
Panel 2B (Carmel B): Material and Social Realities in the Greek Diaspora
Moderator: Yiorgos Anagnostou · Ohio State University
Elaine Thomopoulos & John Psiharis ·Independent Scholars
“Working to Preserve Our Heritage”: A Historical Review of the Development of Greek-American Community Services
Alexander Kitroeff ·Haverford College
The Greek Americans and the Aftermath of the Pan-Orthodox Meeting at Ligonier, PA in 1994
George Paganelis ·California State University, Sacramento
The Greek Agricultural Experience in California's Central Valley
Eleftheria Arapoglou ·University of California, Davis
From Barba Giorgis to Fournos Theophilos: The Transformation of Greek American Foodways
Panel 2C (Santa Barbara): Viewing the State and Literature through Different Lenses
Moderator: Elizabeth A. Davis ·Princeton University
Nikola Karasová ·Charles University
The Deep State in Greek Historiography
Nektaria Klapaki ·University of Washington
(Re-)thinking the Secularization Narrative: The Religious, the Secular and Modern Greek Literary Studies
Carl Mauzy ·King’s College, London
Greece Empowered – Marshall Plan Photography and the Construction of Post-War Greek Identity
Panel 2D (Big Sur): Cultural Dimensions of the Crisis
Moderator: Dimitris Antoniou ·Columbia University
Clio-Ragna Takas · University of Oxford
Multicultural Athens: Deconstructing National(istic) Discourses in Cinema’s Migrant Narratives
Harry Karahalios ·Duke University
Burning Down the House: Greek Cinema before and during the Economic Crisis
Liana Giannakopoulou ·Cambridge University
Exploring Identity in Times of Crisis: A Critical Analysis of P. Markaris’ “Green Card”
10:45-11:00 a.m. Break
Late Morning Session
11:00 – 12:45 pm
Panel 3A (Carmel A): Greek Diaspora Engagement and Homeland in the Context of the Greek Crisis and Beyond
Moderator: Katerina Lagos · California State University, Sacramento
Foteini Kalantzi ·University of Oxford
Homeland Party Politics and the Greek Diaspora during the Crisis
Manolis Pratsinakis ·University of Oxford
Intra-EU Mobility and the New Greek Emigration
Marilena Anastasopoulou ·University of Oxford
Diaspora and Transnational Philanthropy in Greece
Panel 3B (Carmel B): Text and Translation
Moderator: Patricia Felisa Barbeito · Rhode Island School of Design
Anna-Maria Sichani ·University of Sussex
Photocopies, Microfilms and .txt Files: Textual Technologies and Modern Greek Literary Studies
Dimitrios Varvaritis ·University of Vienna
The Corfiot Jewish Journal "Mosè" and the Reception of "Wissenschaft des Judentums" in Greece.
Ilana Freedman ·Harvard University
“I Read with Difficulty… on this Ancient Stone”: Fictitious Fragments of a Transcultural Greece
Panel 3C (Santa Barbara): A Forgotten Army, an Overlooked War, a Transformed Country: The Allied Armies of the Orient in WWI Greece
Moderator: Tassos Anastassiadis ·McGill University
Kostis Gkotsinas ·French School at Athens
Killing Time: Leisure of the Entente Forces at the Salonika Front (1915-1918)
Eirini Anesti ·University of Crete
A “City” Within a City: Installing the Army of the Orient in World War I Salonika
Panel 3D (Big Sur): The Crisis: Action, Administration, and Perception
Moderator: Johanna Hanink ·Brown University
Hara Kouki ·University of Durham & Hellenic Open University
From Claims-Based Protests to Commons Oriented Initiatives: Tracing Collective Action in Athens, 2010-2017
Russell Henshaw · University of Oxford
States of Indifference: Administering Solidarity in Post-Debt Crisis Greece
Lunch – buffet (Capitol View Room): 12:45 – 2:30 p.m.
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Tour of the California State Capitol: please make reservations at registration desk or online.
1:15 – 2:15 p.m. Lunchtime special session panels:
Special Session I (Big Sur): Modern Greek Programs in Classics Departments: Historical Perspectives, Present Challenges, and Future Prospects, organized by Johanna Hanink ·Brown University & Dimitri Nakassis ·University of Colorado at Boulder
- Susan Heuck Allen ·Brown University
- Ismini Lamb ·Georgetown University
- Artemis Leontis ·University of Michigan
- Seth Schein ·University of California, Davis
Special Session II (Santa Barbara): Digital Greek Historic Journal (DGHJ) Project and Consortium, organized by Rebecka Lindau
- Rebecka Lindau & May Chang ·University of Cincinnati
- Rhea Lesage ·Harvard University
- George Paganelis ·California State University, Sacramento
- Zachary Quint ·University of Michigan
1:30 – 2:20 p.m. (Second Floor Mezzanine) Mixer for Graduate Students
Organized by the MGSA Graduate Studies Committee
Afternoon Session
2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Panel 4A (Carmel A): Globalizing the Greek Revolution of 1821
Moderator: Konstantina Zanou ·Columbia University
Michalis Sotiropoulos ·Queen Mary University London
Past, Present and Futures of the History of the Greek Revolution of 1821
Antonia Dialla ·Athens School of Fine Arts
1821 and the Age of Revolutions: Α View from the “Periphery”?
Yanni Kotsonis ·New York University
The Crooked Lines to 1821: Unraveling National Narratives in Useful Ways
Panel 4B (Carmel B): Society and Culture Before, During, and After the Junta
Moderator: Neovi Karakatsanis ·Indiana University South Bend
Marilena Simiti ·University of Piraeus
Greek Social Movements 1974-2016: A Critical Reassessment
Dimitrios Machlouta ·York University, Toronto
"Dear Co-Fighters"; The Inter-American Federation for Freedom and Democracy in Greece and its Anti-Junta Campaign
Foteini Dimirouli ·University of Oxford
Poetry and Propaganda During the Greek Dictatorship (1967-1974)
Aimilia Salvanou ·Utrecht University
The Memoryscape of the 1960’s: The Democratic Youth Lambrakis
Panel 4C (Big Sur): Cultural Heritage Discourses in a Greek Rural Village
Moderator: Vangelis Calotychos · Brown University
Screening of "Blessings & Vows" ·Produced, directed and written by Katerina Zacharia; Executive Producer Sharon E. J. Gerstel
Laurie Kain Hart ·University of California, Los Angeles
Reconstruction and Forms of Value
Yiorgos Anagnostou ·Ohio State University
Voice and Voicing in Blessings and Vows
Panel 4D (Santa Barbara): Literature over the Long Durée
Moderator: Gregory Jusdanis ·Ohio State University
Simos Zenios ·University of California, Los Angeles
Popular Sovereignty and Revolutionary Spectacle in Adamantios Korais’ Asma Polemistirion
Christopher Leo Jotischky-Hull ·Brown University
“The Crowning of the Lyre: Andréas Kálvos and the Appropriation of Pindaric Imagery in Nineteenth-Century Greek Diasporic Poetics.”
Alexander Grammatikos ·Langara College
"What a Delight it Will Be to Visit Greece Free!”: Mary Shelley and the Greek War of Independence
Nikos Panou ·Stony Brook University
Fatal Attraction: Manuel of Corinth Meets Neagoe Basarab
Keynote Lecture and Reception
7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Introduction: Thomas W. Gallant· University of California San Diego
7:15 – 8:45 p.m. Keynote Lecture, California Room (14th floor) Esquire Plaza
“Modern Greek Studies in the 21st Century: Views from History and Literature"
Artemis Leontis ·C. P. Cavafy Professor of Modern Greek & Comparative Literature; Chair, Department of Classics, University of Michigan
Antonis Liakos ·Emeritus Professor of Contemporary History, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
9:00 – 11:00 p.m. Reception: Capitol Room, Hyatt Regency
Orestis Koletsos and band
Wine and hors d’oeuvres