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November 2-5, 2017 · Stockton University · Galloway, NJ

2017 Edmund Keeley Book Prize Announcement

On behalf of the MGSA Edmund Keeley Book Prize Committee (Kostis Kornetis, George Fragopoulos, and myself) it is my pleasure to announce that the winner of the 2017 prize is Professor Devin E. Naar for his monograph Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece, published by Stanford University Press, 2016.

The Committee received an uncommonly large number of submissions this year, and was impressed by the exceptional quality of all of them. This made the decision an extremely difficult one, for each submission is a significant contribution to the field of Modern Greek Studies, and it is gratifying to see so many fine scholars enriching the field with their important work.  Naar's book is distinguished for its original approach to the issue of Salonica's Jewish community, the depth of its analysis and its rich examination of archival sources, as well as for its elegant prose.

We look forward to honoring Professor Naar's work when we officially confer the prize at the MGSA Symposium at Stockton University on November 2.

Gerasimus Katsan

(Committee Chair)