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October 15-18, 2015 · Georgia State University · Atlanta, GA

2015 Edmund Keeley Book Prize Announcement

I and the other members of this year’s Keeley Book Prize Committee, Doxis Doxiadis and Chrisy Moutsatsos, would like to congratulate Kostis Kornetis on winning the 2015 prize for Children of the Dictatorship: Student Resistance, Cultural Politics, and the ‘Long 1960s’ in Greece.

I want to express my congratulations to the Keeley Book Prize Committee for its conscientious work, and to the winner, Kostis Kornetis for the recognition the Committee has granted him.
Edmund Keeley

The deliberations this year were extremely difficult.  Nine books were submitted, and the quality of the scholarship was uniformly high.  It appears that our field, indeed, is resting on very solid intellectual foundations.  In the end, we felt that Kornetis’ book best addresses the criteria for the Keeley Book Prize.  It is a scholarly rigorous study, based on copious interviews and archival research, that is innovative in its use of microhistory and cultural artifacts to elucidate the structure of feeling of the eptaetia. It examines a period and a set of events that are central to any scholar seeking to understand contemporary Greece, correcting common misconceptions and greatly expanding our understanding of everyday life under the junta.  Finally, it contains a comparative element, building bridges to similar events both in France and Spain, thus widening our understanding of Greece’s relationship to broader European trends in politics and culture.   It is, in short, exemplary of the type of scholarship that the MGSA seeks to support.



Franklin L. Hess, Ph. D.

Coordinator, Modern Greek Program
Senior Lecturer, Institute for European Studies
Indiana University